
Easter lily cactus an ultimate maintenance

Easter Lily Cactus ‘Dominos’ is a little spherical, globose cactus from South America with fuzzy white areoles. In the summer, enormous white fragrant flowers with 3-5 petals open and blanket the shrub. Unfortunately, they only endure for 24 hours. However, the plant will bloom for you 2-4 times throughout the summer. “Dominos” grows to approximately 3 inches tall and 4 inches broad and reproduces by offsets.

easter lily cactus maintenance
easter lily cactus maintenance

Easter lily cactus maintenance guide

Echinopsis subdenudata is commonly known as the Easter lily cactus. It is instead found in mountainous places and on slopes. As usual, this provides us with some useful care recommendations. Unlike cacti that flourish in dry desert environments, the Easter lily cactus prefers regular hydration during the summer. Aside from that, it’s a standard cactus, therefore well-draining soil and enough light are essential for a healthy plant.

This plant may be grown outside in full to partial light, but it must be brought inside before the first cold. Plant in a well-drained cactus and succulent potting mix. For the greatest results, use a clay container with several drainage holes. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings.

If grown from seed, the Easter lily cactus might take up to 4 years to bloom. The blossoms are so big that they overpower the plant at times. These cacti are generally simple to grow and resilient to temperatures ranging from 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant this cactus in full sun or light shade, in well-drained soil. The plant is drought-resistant & requires little water during the hot summers.

easter lily cactus propagation
easter lily cactus propagation

Easter lily cactus Propagation

When Echinopsis subdenudata specimens reach a certain age, they will begin to produce pups. Some will actually pup fairly prolifically, and while these offsets can be left on the mother plant, they can also be removed and replanted.

Simply cut one of the puppies off, let it callus for a few days if there is an open incision, and place it in the same well-draining soil combination. It should soon begin to form its own roots.

Easter lily cactus fertilizer

During the growth season, this cactus enjoys a little fertilizer.

Some sites advocate a high-phosphorous fertilizer, while others prefer a high-potassium fertilizer, but if you don’t have any special aims in mind (such as maximum flowering), any regular cactus fertilizer should generally be enough.

Proper temperature

Easter lily cactus can tolerate both high and low temperatures and is not finicky about them. Temperatures as low as 50 °F/10 °C are not an issue, and it should be able to withstand even lower temperatures if the soil is maintained absolutely dry.

This cactus-like to sleep throughout the winter and should be relocated to a cooler location during this period. From late autumn until spring, relocate your Easter lily cactus to a cooler (but not freezing) environment, such as a garage.

Soil and planting

The number one regulation for the easter lily cactus, like with other cacti, is that its roots should never be left lying in the water. The succulent planting guide offers additional information about succulent soil and pots, but it all boils down to this:

Wet feet may quickly produce root and stem rot, which is sometimes lethal, thus soil should be chosen properly. To maintain this cactus happy and healthy, a very light, airy, and well-draining combination is required.

It is not difficult to make your own cactus soil. The only resources required are potting soil and coarse-grained materials such as perlite, pumice, and sand.
A decent starting point would be 40% potting soil, 40% perlite, and 20% coarse sand, however, you may always experiment with the proportions. Simply ensure that there is at least 50-60% grit in there to assist the water going through as rapidly as possible. Some cactus growers completely avoid potting soil!
Once you’ve determined the soil, it’s time to look for a planter. The most crucial element here, once again, is drainage, so utilize pots with drainage holes.

Terracotta pots like this function well because the porous sides enable water to evaporate.

Proper sunlight

Easter lily cactus, like other cacti, flourishes in regions that get a lot of sun. This implies they will love similar circumstances in the house, so try to choose the sunniest possible area for this cactus throughout the summer. The more sunlight, the better.

It may be tempting to install cacti in a gloomy position to brighten up your house, but this will not work for this plant.

Maintenance Tip: Cacti like this one will love being able to spend the summer outside. They’ll develop considerably faster when they can fully utilize the sun! In warmer areas, you may leave them outside all year; otherwise, bring them inside around the fall.

Easter lily cactus watering

Many people believe that all cacti require very little water and should be kept completely dry for months at a time. Although this is true in certain circumstances, the Easter lily cactus, unlike its desert relatives, prefers frequent watering during the growing season.

During the summer, water your Easter lily cactus as soon as the soil becomes dry, which is typically once a week or once every other week.

When you transfer your cactus to a cooler Winter location, it will cease growing, which means you should substantially reduce the quantity of water you give it. During the dormancy phase, visit once a month or fewer!

If you are a plant lover you can read Propagating Christmas Cactus in Water for the beautification of your home.


I am a wanderer and nature enthusiast seeking a touch of lush green. I truly loveeeeee chill nights, good company, and mellow vibes. Welcome to my blogs, and let's have some fun together!

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